INQ Mobile has launched its “Social Networking” phone in India at a price point of about 7.5K

INQ Mobile has launched its “Social Networking” phone in India at a price point of about 7.5K. We just reviewed PEEK Email-only Mobile device, and many commenter’s pointed out that if PEEK had Social Networking also built into it, it will become very attractive.

Aircel, who have incidentally launched PEEK have also forged partnership with INQ Mobile and launched its Social Networking phone in India.

INQ Mobile is specifically targeted at Social Networking, with specific thrust on popular social networking sites like Twitter, Skype, Facebook, Instant Messaging & Widgets. This device also has push email – INQ mobile being a QWERTY keyboard based phone can be an excellent mobile phone for heavy email users as well !

Another great feature is that it is a 3G phone, Although currently only BSNL is providing 3G services, sooner or later all currently mobile service providers will start offering these services as well..

Aircel have also been offering some great Internet plans like Rs. 98/- for unlimited GPRS connectivity INQ Mobile fits perfectly in the scheme of things here.

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