New Feature Added in Google Blogger Gadget, Popular Posts - Blogger Tricks

Recently while posting an article on How to speed up your PC and How to Defragment Disk I found that new feature in blogger gadget is added is 'Popular Posts' this is the one of the best gadget to keep your blog visitor busy and find the most popular posts on your blog.


To add this gadget on your blog just log in to your blogger account and open your blog as shown in pic-1 on right side of the top click on design you will find the page element window in front of you where you will find the option to Add Gadget.



Click on Add Gadget and your will find the list of Gadgets as shown in pic-2 where you will find newly added gadget i.e. 'Popular Posts' (pic-3) click on it and your will get window having to choose the your posts in last 7 days or last 30day or all time popular post (pic-4), select it as per your choice and save it.


You will find that popular posts of your blog will be displayed for your blog visitors.

Try New Blogger Gadget and Enjoy!

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