How to upload video in Youtube? – Youtube Info

How to upload video in Youtube? – Know How Youtube?

Google is one of the best sources to use many free applications and software designed to improve our social existence on internet. For that Youtube is the one of the best and easiest application to use.

Youtube is the most popular place and community where millions of peoples have uploaded videos of inspiration, entertainment, educational, and the topics you choose and love to find.

Even you also can upload your videos prepared by you of any topic, even your personal videos to share with your friends and family.

Here we are going to learn how to upload a video to Youtube, to upload video you have to create an account with Youtube Here

After creating your account click on Upload as shown in picture 1. After opening the upload window click on upload in rectangle box shown in picture 2 you will find option to upload from your computer in picture 3 and select the video from your PC or mobile phone to upload to Youtube.

 Picture 2

 Picture 3

As in picture 4 you will find your video will be starting to upload, It will take time as per the length of the video.
 Picture 4

After upload completes 100% your video will be available for online viewing, for your video you will have to add details and privacy factors .

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